mushy fairies, Desi & Mikey

To celebrate my best friend, Desiree’s, birthday, a bunch of friends headed up to Lake Arrowhead to relax, play board games, have a photo shoot, eat loads, go on walks, and cut up. Pete and I headed up late Friday evening after work, which probably wasn’t the best idea because we were greeted with the thickest fog once we started our trek up the mountain. It was very difficult to see the road in front of us. Thank goodness Pete was driving because my driving skill are questionable even on a clear day. To make matters scarier, the GPS went haywire and got us lost in a residential neighborhood for about 15 minutes. After about 3 hours, we made it safely to the cabin, though we were pretty beat, but not too beat to play a round of
Apples to Apples. When it comes to board games like these, I usually opt to be funny rather than win the game. I think my sense of humor most shown through when we played
Loaded Questions the next day. When asked to write down what I think would be the most gruesome death, I answered “buried alive in an ugly dress.” Of course, everyone knew that this was my response.
On Saturday, Desiree, Mikey, and I, dressed up like our version of fairies, and Keenan took pictures of our escapades. We swung from tree branches, posed on an old beat up pick-up truck of questionable structural integrity, drank champagne straight from the bottle while squatting in heaps of Fall-colored leaves, pranced around hills, and sat in trees. I’ll have to show you these photos in another post because Keenan still has to tinker with them a bit. I took some pictures with my Pentax Spotmatic, but the film stopped advancing after only taking 15 photos. Hopefully, these photos turn out so that I can share them with you. Meanwhile, I've posted some pictures taken with my digital camera. After our photo shoot, we went on a walk around the neighborhood and I rolled my ankle 3 times: 2 times on my right ankle & one time on my left ankle. What the hell! I’ve been rolling my ankles since I was 13 years old. Once in Junior High, while wearing 5 inch hells, I rolled my ankle, while falling off the curb. During those halcyon days, my ankle would swell to the size of a pumpkin. Now a days, I roll my ankle, it hurts for a few days, with no visible swelling, and I’m back to normal. However, I do seem to roll my ankle sometimes for no tangible reason. For Pete’s sake, this time, I was just walking. Our trip culminated with me rolling my ankle for a 4th time when we were strolling around the Lake. This was the most painful of the ankle rolls. Mikey captured this moment with her phone camera. I was wailing, and I damned near started pouring tears, but I held it together. Today, I am limping around the office, the physical memory of my trip to Lake Arrowhead. I hope ya’ll had a great weekend too!
My Outfits: blue calico 70s long dress (Long Beach Veteran’s Flea Market, last week), 60s mustard velvet dress with lace bid (hand me down from my friend, Miro; I love this dress so much & it’s too bad it’s kind of falling apart), vintage white slip (Mikey’s), vintage lace vest (Long Beach Veteran’s Flea Market), vintage blue turtleneck (thrifted), Nine West oxfords. Floral Wreaths made by
Gardens of Whimsy.